Quick Order
Item(s) SKU(s) Qty Subtotal Action
    lazyload This item does not have enough quantity Cannot add to cart as quick order list is empty Please select all necessary options You have added too many products to the cart at a time. Please reduce products You entered the wrong data The string you entered exceeds the number of characters allowed You have no items in your shopping cart

    Add Multiple Products

    Enter multiple SKUs

    Format: SKU,qty,option1,option2

    E.g bundle product: 24-WG080

    E.g simple product: 24-MB01,9

    E.g configuration product: MH02,9,size:M,color:Red

    E.g grouped product: 24-WG085_Group

    The box is empty, including existed items or items cannot be added to the list. Please try it again

    Your items have been checked and added to the list successfully

    Add from file

    Download a sample CSV file

    Download a sample XML file

    There is no file chosen, including existed items or items cannot be uploaded to the list. Please try it again

    Your items have been checked and added to the list successfully